
I’ve kept a journal of some type throughout my life since I was ten. Putting feelings into paper helped me organize my thoughts. In the beginning I wrote about day to day things. Eventually I used my journal to document emotional highs and lows, not keeping a strict journal date or time. Sometimes I don’t use real names anymore, just focusing my writing on what I feel and think.

Constantly writing in long form has helped me maintain a decent handwriting. I have friends who are barely legible now that they’ve been using the keyboard for years. Still, for me, nothing beats the ebb and flow of a writing instrument and paper.

I’ve turned that into fancy handwriting on my favorite quotes. I don’t want to call this “calligraphy” at the moment, since this is just me making the words pretty on paper.

But there really is something to be said about  pretty type and a great turn of phrase.


From my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice.

I was reading Scripture and did the same thing for a few lines that caught my eye.


Thinking about placement, sizing and font type helped put me on a contemplative mood that afternoon.

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